Saor Career Coaching

Working with you to find the next pathway for your career and life


Every person is on a Journey. Where you are right now is not your final destination.

Saor Career Coaching can help you find the next step on your career and life path.

Photo by Nightingale Art House from Pexels

When could career coaching help you?


Are you feeling stuck or in a career rut?

Have you recently been made redundant?

Are you looking to make a career change but
are not sure what or how to do this?

Are you looking for a new job and need help with your resume, interview technique, networking or other skills?

Are you wanting to transition into retirement or part-time work?

Do you want to set up a new business (either full time or part time)?


At different times in life we all need to change in job, organisation or even career direction. Sometimes we choose when to make that change and other times, like during Covid 19, the change is forced upon us. Others want assistance to transition into retirement and/or part time work.

I am able to apply my considerable human resources experience and empathetic coaching style to guide you in the process to help you make the right choices for your next move.

The Saor Career Coaching Process is tailored to your unique needs. I aim to help you uncover your (often hidden) drivers and motivators which help you find purpose in life, including work.

I am accredited in The Birkman Method of career assessment tools. Utilising this information, we can gain insights into your strengths, behaviours, development needs, motivational needs and underlying life and career interests.

I guide you in the process of developing life and career goals and the tactics to achieve these – immediately and/or over time. I also aim to build your personal job searching skills in order to increase your independence for future career moves.

Saor Career Coaching Program

The full Career Coaching Program offered by Saor Wellbeing and Coaching is shown below. Your program will tailored to your needs and budget.


1. Preparing Yourself

  • Your coaching objectives

  • Self assessment

    • Satisfiers/Dis-satisfiers

    • Values

    • Skills/Competencies

    • Birkman® Method assessment*

  • Setting short & long term career

  • Developing your Resumé(s)

  • References

Typically 3-4 coaching sessions


2. Preparing your Job Campaign

  • Assessing the Job Market and/or
    business opportunities

  • Developing Job Search Strategies
    & Tools

    • Visible Market (advertised)

    • Hidden Market (networking)

  • Using LinkedIn & social media

  • Self Branding

  • Interview Preparation

Typically 2-3 coaching sessions


3. Launching your Campaign

  • Managing your Campaign

    • Weekly action plan

    • Achieving balance

    • Tracking progress

  • Negotiating Successfully

    • Evaluating the offer(s)

    • Negotiation tips

Typically 1-2 coaching sessions


4. Succeeding in
your new

  • The New Job/Venture Transition

    • Reviewing the lessons of the past

    • First 90 Day Plan

Typically 1 coaching session

* See Frequently Asked Questions for more details on the Birkman Method® assessment

Career Coaching Packages

Below are a number of typical Career Coaching packages. Saor will tailor the focus and content of our work together to your particular needs and budget. The sessions will be tailored to suit your individual needs.



3 Coaching Sessions

  • Brief self assessment

  • Resumé preparation

  • Cover letter options

  • Interview types and techniques

All coaching sessions are for 1 hour and to be completed
over 3 months unless by prior arrangement



7 Coaching Sessions

  • Full self-assessment including Birkman® Method assessment (Signature and Career Exploration reports)

  • Resumé, cover letter & referee preparation

  • Develop a career plan

  • Assessing the Job Market

  • Job Search Strategies & Tools

  • LinkedIn and social media basics

  • Interview Preparation

All coaching sessions are for 1 hour* and to be completed over 6 months (unless by prior arrangement)
*except the Birkman debriefing session which is 1.5 hours



10 Coaching Sessions

All steps outlined the four stages above, including:

  • Additional Birkman Reports for further insights

  • In-depth career planning

  • Optional mock interview

All coaching sessions are for 1 hour* and to be completed over 9 months (unless by prior arrangement)
*except the Birkman debriefing session which is 1.5 hours

Please contact Saor for a free 30 minute introductory session to discuss your circumstances, objectives and how Saor may be able to help you achieve your career (and life) goals.

The fees charged will depend on a number factors including:

  • the nature of program requested*

  • the number and length of coaching sessions required

*Note: as part of Saor’s Holistic Life Coaching services, you may also combine Career Coaching with the Journey Emotional Healing process. See Frequently Asked Questions for the reasons why you may consider this option.

Coaching sessions will be held virtually (by Zoom, Skype or phone) or in person (COVID safe in the Hepburn/Daylesford region only) or a combination of both.