Journey Emotional Healing

Working through the layers of your emotions to uncover and resolve the root cause of your distress and what is holding you back from being free

Is Journey Emotional Healing for you?


Is your life out of balance?

If one or more of the following questions resonate with you…

  • Are you feeling stuck or unsatisfied with your life?

  • Do you feel your life is out of balance or you are feeling unfulfilled?

  • Are you stressed and/or anxious?

  • Do you have low mood or feel depressed?

  • Have you had a bad experience, betrayal or traumatic event you feel unable to to move past?

  • Are you recovering from a marriage or relationship breakup?

  • Are you unhappy in your significant relationships?

  • Are you noticing patterns in your life which have a negative impact on you and those around you?

  • Do the same things happen again and again - in relationships, friendships and/or in workplaces?

…then the Journey Emotional Healing Process could help you move forward in your life…..

Photo by Philipp Alexandrov on Reshot


What is the Journey Method?

The Journey Method is a powerful emotional healing process which helps us free ourselves from past traumas or experiences which hurt us emotionally, physically and/or spiritually. Holding onto the pain and resentment is only harming us - not the other person or people involved, who are often oblivious the pain you feel as a result of the experiences in your life. 

We often play our emotional stories over and over again, which is ultimately detrimental to our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. We hold ourselves as prisoner in a cage - repeating and reinforcing the perceived or actual wrong we have experienced. These stories then can embed themselves as negative patterns in our lives, such as the way we relate to others or react in certain situations.

There is a door to freedom or SAOR (Irish for being free). In order to give ourselves the gift of release, we need to be able to forgive, both the other person/people and also ourselves. This forgiveness does not mean we condone their actions or words, but it means we forgive their soul or the best part of them.

The Journey Process guided meditation enables true letting go of past pain and also frees us to let go of the disempowering beliefs about ourselves and/or the world which developed as a result of these experiences. Through embedding more wholesome beliefs we can begin to change the detrimental patterns in our lives to reach our full potential.


What is a Journey Process?


In summary during a Journey process you:


Often as children we are taught to be scared of strong emotions and that some emotions are labelled “bad” and should be avoided. We are taught to suppress or hide these, to carry on and paste a smile to our face regardless how we are feeling inside.. This often leads to deep rage, anxiety, depression and physical illness.

A Journey process is essentially a guided meditation which helps you uncover and work through the multiple layers of emotions you have. No emotion is labelled “good” or “bad” - they are just how you feel and should be acknowledged and allowed to flow though your body.  

 Often our initial or surface emotion is not the underlying cause of our distress and anguish. The Journey Method teaches you to accept each emotion as it arises and, where necessary, identify the attached memory or memories. Eventually you arrive at peaceful state and can access your inner wisdom/light/soul (or “Source”). This beautiful energy is then used to advise yourself and resolve the uncovered trauma through a very powerful reframing process of the memories. We also unearth any unhealthy beliefs formed at that time about yourself and/or the world. There is a simple process reprogram you with new wholesome, positive and supportive beliefs.

Even though the behaviour of the person who hurt you may not be able to be condoned in any way, The Journey Method enables you to truly forgive their soul (or best part of them). More importantly you are able to forgive yourself for whatever role you believed you played by your actions or inaction. This emotional healing is a gift to yourself to free you from the bondage of suffering that holds you back from reaching your true potential.

 There are a number of different Journey Process techniques, which all reach the same outcome - release and freedom from the negative energy, hurt and beliefs of the past. Processes are mostly conducted over Zoom/Skype/WhatsApp. They can also be held in person (COVID safe in Hepburn, Victoria). I regularly give (and receive) processes over video conferencing platforms and they are very successful.

Find out more about The Journey Method

Watch Brandon Bays, the founder of The Journey Method. She gives an overview and how it can help your healing through the power of forgiveness - both the soul of the other and yourself. She talks about the Journey Intensive, the introductory Journey course. However what she says equally applies to anyone receiving a Journey process from a Journey Practitioner, such as myself.

You can use The Journey for both physical and emotional healing. It’s proven successful with all kinds of emotional issues, depression, physical ailments, issues, career blocks and many of life’s other challenges.


The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology. It works fast to awaken you to your limitless potential – so you can achieve success in every area of your life.

The Journey Process Options

For a free 45 minute introduction to The Journey Method and to discuss your needs and objectives please contact SAOR .

It is recommended that, at a minimum, you have at least 3 Journey sessions spaced over 3 to 6 weeks to get benefit from this powerful healing process.


Free Introductory

A 45 minute introduction to The Journey

During this time we will explore what has bought you to Saor, the issues you wish to resolve and the you outcomes you are seeking from this healing.

I will give you a fuller explanation about the Journey Method, how it works and what you can expect. This will give you a chance to see if this approach is a fit for you.

If you want to proceed, we can then agree the best healing program for you and book a time for your first full Journey process.


Single Journey


Single Journey Sessions up to 2 hours each

After the Free Introductory Session, you may want to have one session as a trial and/or additional sessions on an adhoc or regular basis.

These sessions will be between 1.5 and 2 hours each. The exact nature of the session will be tailored to what is present at the time.

It also includes two 10 minute follow up phone calls 2 days and 1 week after your process.


Package - Three

Journey Sessions

15% saving per session

Three Journey Sessions up to 2 hours each

If you know you would like to have more than one Journey Session, you have the option of purchasing a package in advance of three 1.5-2 hour Journey sessions and follow up calls after each process.

This will represent a 15% saving per session.

These sessions can be utilised over 3 months depending on your goals and needs.