Frequently Asked Questions.

Can I receive both Career Coaching and Journey Emotional Healing at the same time?


If you are seeking to make career changes, we strongly encourage you to receive some Journey Emotional Healing Processes as well. Though the Birkman is a useful tool in identifying your underlying needs, The Journey takes this to the next level and helps you discover the emotional root cause of your career decisions to date and how you show up and react at work to certain situations.

Below is example of when the combination of Journey Emotional Healing and Career Coaching proved useful.

A client had a pattern of withdrawing and remaining silent whenever she interacted with an older, more domineering male, particularly when they disagreed with him. This pattern resulted in the client being overlooked for promotion, despite the quality of her work.

It was not necessarily the presenting situation which was the problem, but the client’s emotional response due to being triggered from some earlier (childhood) memory/trauma related to their father and his response when she disagreed with him. By uncovering the source memory, the client was able to change their beliefs about disagreeing with others (particularly older males) and develop healthier emotional reactions to these situations. This helped her react differently to the old triggers and be able to stand her ground in similar situations.

The combination of Career Coaching and Journey Emotional Healing will be included in the Holistic Life Coaching Services, which are still under development. In the meantime contact SAOR to discuss your needs so a suitable package of services can be arranged.

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What is the Birkman Method®Assessment

The Birkman Method®Assessment an online personality, social perception, and occupational interest assessment measuring and reporting behavioural strengths, motivations, expectations, stress behaviours, and possible career interests. The Birkman Method® is the tool to understand yourself, understand how you like to be managed, and the interpersonal and career choices that can lead to your success and wellbeing.

The approach is based on Positive Psychology and was developed in 1951 and has undergone significant reliability and validity testing. The goal of positive psychology is to help people live and flourish rather than merely exist. Millions of individuals and thousands of companies have utilised Birkman Method®.

Individuals receiving career coaching find it a very insightful and useful tool in their job search and finding ongoing career and life success. Describing these deeply rooted perceptions is a core differentiator of The Birkman Method, as the instrument can tap into how someone is likely to behave and also why.

Measures of the Birkman Method® include: 

  • Usual Behaviour – effective behavioural styles for tasks and relationships.

  • Underlying Needs – internal perceptions and expectations for how tasks and relationships should be governed.

  • Stress Behaviour – ineffective behavioural styles when Needs go unmet.

  • Interests – vocational and non-vocational preferences.

  • Occupational - 22 job families, 200+ job titles 

  • Work Environment - the work environment that brings the best support and fit.

Further information is available on the Birkman website